Being Uncomfortable

Day Seven

“Naturally, when being filled up by a supernatural God, what seems reasonable and normal for us can rapidly disappear and the unknown territory of faith-filled living can reach an uncomfortable level.”

Words: Thomas Fielder Read: 0 - 5 mins Published: 11 July 2024

As we are led by the Holy Spirit to be filled and fulfil our calling in our daily lives, we can often start off with excitement and joy at the tasks before us. However, as we head out from shore into the new things God has, we can be sailing along and suddenly look back and realise the safety of the shore has disappeared.


Bam! We find ourselves in the deep and it can be quite uncomfortable.


As we step out and into what Holy Spirit is calling us to, we can quickly find ourselves outside of our comfort zone. Naturally, when being filled up by a supernatural God, what seems reasonable and normal for us can rapidly disappear and the unknown territory of faith-filled living can reach an uncomfortable level.


This kind of uncomfortable always reminds me of Peter walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33). The disciples see Jesus walking on the water and freak out, in the NIV translation they are “terrified”. It can be scary stuff when we experience supernatural ongoings in our lives, that’s part of why they are “super”-natural. But Peter, after some encouragement from Jesus, declares “Lord if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” (Mt 14:28 NIV). And as Jesus calls him forward, he has the courage to get out of the boat and walks on the water with Jesus.


“Lord if it is you” Oh, that would be our heart cry as we go into this weekend. Lord if it is you, let’s do it! But the scene doesn’t end there…


Peter, after this burst of courage gets to a new level of discomfort, no longer having a nice dry buoyant boat underneath him, and begins to sink into doubt. “Lord, is this you?” can so quickly come off the back of a big step of faith.


Take heart though if you find yourself asking this after a big move of God, you are in good company. Even Peter, who witnessed Jesus’ miracles first-hand still doubted when Jesus himself stood before him on the water.


Peter cries out in this doubt “Lord, save me!” and Jesus as always, saves. When we find ourselves doubting we can trust that God will save us from trouble and we can use the prayer of the Father in Mark 9:24 “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief”.


Finally, upon Peter and Jesus reaching the boat, the wind dies down and the disciples worship Jesus for who He is and what He’s done. The disciples go from terrified to testimony. Pray today that God would use you, even in uncomfortable circumstances, knowing He will never leave you or forsake you, and declaring “Lord if it’s you, let’s go!”

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