Kids living God's way

We love gathering together each Sunday as a church family to worship and learn more about God.
Riverlife Kids is all about families embracing the Father's presence!
We have all sorts of fun activities and programs that cater from 1-year-olds to grade six kids at our regular Sunday 9am service during school terms. Please note, kids church programs are not available at our 5pm service.
RIVERLIFE KIDS | 9am Service (Kindy-Grade 6)
Full Bible-based interactive and fun discipleship program for children in Kindy to Grade 6.
TODDLERS | 9am Service (1-3 years)
Fully supervised, our toddler’s program introduces kids to God through Bible stories and prayer ministry, whilst they learn to make friends, share and play together in a fun and safe environment. This is for children aged 1-3 years.
Foundations is a unique program for kids in Grade Six to help them go deeper in their relationship with God. Foundations in 2024 commences 18 August and runs on Sunday mornings during Terms 3 and 4. Foundations is held from 8.30-11.30am in Hall 2 via the internal (kids) foyer.
Registrations are open 9 June to 4 August.
Grade 6 students and their parents are all welcome to attend an information session on Sunday 9 June at 11am in the Hall.
Click here to register your child
A monthly email to keep you up to date with everything at kids church. It also includes fun tips on resources/ideas to use as a family. Sign up for our Riverlife Kids at Home..
If you’d like to find out more about volunteering for our Kids Church programs, contact our Children’s Pastor Petrea Taylor