
A safe place to receive

presence-centred, life

giv­ing prayer and

personal ministry.

A safe place to receive presence-centred, life giv­ing prayer and personal ministry.

We all develop think­ing and habits that affect the depth and clar­ity of our walk with God. Jesus offered abund­ant life, free­dom and intim­acy with our God.
Through the cross, He paid for us to embrace those things. Yet many still see God as aloof, power­less and even angry. Though noth­ing could be fur­ther from the truth. At the Life­Centre, we part­ner with God to identify lies, remove fil­ters, and heal your heart of the scars a fallen world brings you.

Lifecentre prayer ministry

LifeCentre Prayer ministry is a holistic approach to spiritual healing that impacts our physical and emotional lives. We employ a number of tools and principles that we have learned and practised, that have proven to be powerful and valuable in helping people find freedom and life.


Everyone who comes to the LifeCentre for ministry, unless referred specifically by a pastor or leader, will receive an initial session of ministry, following which we can refer to your next steps and further ministry.



LifeCentre Coordinator Jonquil Burn



We will be conducting limited sessions of the Christmas period. Please feel free to apply for ministry, but we may not be able to book you in until mid-January.



At Riverlife



Inner Healing Ministry

The LifeCentre offers Inner Healing ministry through biblically-based prayer and ministry tools. Our sessions can be a single, 90-minute appointment or series of appointments over some time. All our ministry Is designed to restore your relationship with God the Father, Son and Spirit, and to bring scriptural truths and freedom to your life. We focus on restoring and strengthening the believer's identity in Christ as the key foundation. From this place, the ministry recipient can work alongside God to find freedom and release from sin, wounds, ungodly, beliefs, lies and demonic oppression.

Walking In Freedom

Our desired goal for all those receiving LifeCentre Ministry is to walk out their identity in Jesus, able to self-ministry God's freedom through the tools and truths they have learned in their ministry session(s). Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes this is a journey, but the LifeCentre is available to minister to you through that journey. We have found it healthy to come for a regular 'check-up' even after you have finished your ministry with us. We suggest an annual, one-off 'Spring Clean' appointment, to continue to invest in your intimacy with God. Just like regular service on a car helps prevent unexpected problems, a regular check-up on your spiritual wellbeing helps us maintain our freedom in Jesus.

Ministry Tools

“Sozo” (Greek) refers to sal­va­tion, heal­ing, and deliv­er­ance from oppres­sion. Sozo min­istry focuses on con­nect­ing you more fully with God by remov­ing self-imposed barriers. A typ­ical Sozo ses­sion will involve our min­is­ters facil­it­at­ing a pro­cess where God guides you per­son­ally to where lies, fil­ters, judg­ments and fears have come in to affect your life.
These are dealt with so that you are free to engage more com­pletely with God as your lov­ing heav­enly Dad. (Romans 8:15 – 16). Every Chris­tian would bene­fit from under­go­ing a Sozo ses­sion, regard­less of spir­itual matur­ity or standing.

Moreh is an acronym, meaning 'Ministry of Reconciliation and Emotional Healing.' MOREH min­istry tools work towards recon­cil­ing people to God on a deeper level. MOREH min­istry can include tar­geted prayer for heal­ing of spir­itual wounds, break­ing of bond­ages etc, and work over mul­tiple ses­sions to identify and min­is­ter into deeper heart issues. These tools are particularly powerful for some of those areas in which we struggle to hold on to our freedom. These include tools from Elijah House and Ellel Ministries.

it’s never too late to begin a new chapter.

it’s never too late to begin a new chapter.

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