Draw Near

Day Two

“God is always drawing near, and the invitation for us to reciprocate always stands.”

Words: Alex Walker Read: 0 - 5 mins Published: 6 July 2024

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity.” Jeremiah 29:13-14


While we often think of ‘intimacy’ as the quiet, secret and personal love we nurture, it is ironic to consider that intimacy can actually never occur in solitude. By its very nature, intimacy requires two individuals. It is the secret shared between two lovers, the back and forth of two dancers, the pull of dusk that is only counterbalanced by the inevitably of the dawn. True intimacy is fundamentally a beautiful balance.


If we’re being honest, our intimacy with God rarely reflects that kind of shared balance. While God is always waiting with outstretched arm and eager gaze, it saddens me to think of all the times when that gaze falls upon my back rather than my eyes, and that arm is left hanging without its partner. How often do we turn away, too focused on ourselves and the world to give ourselves over to the intimacy that we were created for. The ballad of intimacy is one that God is always dancing to, but one that we are often sitting on the sidelines for.


The beauty of it all is that God never once stops dancing, and never once withdraws that outstretched hand. No matter how much we may spurn His offer of intimacy in favour of the world, He never once withholds Himself from us. God is always drawing near, and the invitation for us to reciprocate always stands.


I love these verses from Jeremiah. They capture the intentionality that precipitates intimacy. The way that verse 13 repeats “seek me” really drives home the point – “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” We won’t just stumble into intimacy, it’ll happen when we actually seek God! What’s more, these verses are God’s invitation to Israel amid a time of their exile, when they are at their furthest from God. No matter how far away from God you think you are, or how long you think it’s been, God’s invitation for intimacy still stands.


Intimacy with God can look different for everyone. Perhaps for you it’s spending time in prayer, or in His Word, or in creation. No matter what it looks like, God is always inviting you to draw near. It’s up to us to grasp that outstretched hand and meet that tender gaze.

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