Grow, dream and be part of the wider church body.
The time of our lives between 30-50 can be filled with the most incredible milestones, challenges and opportunities – both personally and in our careers. We’re committed to embracing the Father’s presence, bringing heaven to earth and sharing the amazing news of Jesus Christ.
Riverlife Generations creates spaces to connect with other likeminded people – families and singles – to grow, dream and be a part of the wider church body. Here’s just a few of the way you can get involved.
Life Groups
Joining a Life Group is one of the best ways to connect with others, dive into God’s Word and encourage one another. To read more about Life Groups, click here, alternatively to find a group near you, click here
Parents Room
We have a dedicated Parents Room for babies up to 12 months old located to the right of the centre Auditorium door. There is a viewing window into the Auditorium, live feed of the service and two private feeding cubicles. This room is designed for feeding/changing babies.
Pastor Grant Gehrke
Embracing the Father’s presence.
Embracing the Father’s presence.
More Info