Living a Life of Thankfulness

Thanksgiving #1: Embracing the Life of Jesus

As we give thanks for the year of ministry, I've been reflecting on the profound reasons we have to be thankful, particularly for the life Jesus lived.

Words: John Robertson Read: 0 - 5 mins Published: 2 December 2024

His life is not just a historical account but a model for how we can live ours. Over a few articles, we’ll delve into this theme, starting with gratitude for the life Jesus lived, which enables us to live fully and freely.

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree

We’ve all heard the saying, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” It’s often used to describe how children resemble their parents. This resemblance is not just physical but also behavioural. As humans, we are created in the image of God, designed to reflect His glory. However, like children who sometimes reflect the less desirable traits of their parents, we too fall short of reflecting God’s perfect nature. Yet, Jesus, our model, lived in complete obedience and intimacy with the Father, showing us how to live a life that truly reflects God’s glory.

The Impact of Jesus’ Life

The Apostle Paul, in Romans 5:17-19, contrasts the disobedience of Adam with the obedience of Jesus. Adam’s sin brought condemnation, but Jesus’ obedience brings righteousness and new life. Through Jesus, we are empowered to live lives that reflect God’s nature. His life, death, and resurrection make it possible for us to live in submission and obedience to God, which is the key to human flourishing.

Submission: A Path to Freedom

Submission is often misunderstood in our culture, which values power and control. However, biblical submission is about self-denial out of love for God and others. Jesus exemplified this by living in submission to the Father, which brought Him joy, peace, and power. John 5:19 tells us that Jesus did nothing by Himself but only what He saw the Father doing. This submission is not about losing control but about trusting God with the outcomes of our lives.

The Power of Love and Unity

In John 17:20-26, Jesus prays for us, expressing His desire for unity and love among His followers. His motivation in everything was love, and He calls us to live in that same love. This love is not just for God but extends to others, reflecting the unity and intimacy Jesus had with the Father. Our love for others is a testament to the world of God’s love and the truth of Jesus’ mission.

Abiding in Jesus

In John 15:5, Jesus describes Himself as the vine and us as the branches. To bear fruit, we must abide in Him. This abiding is not about striving but about resting in His love and presence. As we worship and enjoy His love, He produces fruit in our lives. Our goal is not to achieve but to remain in His love, allowing it to overflow into our actions and relationships.

Action Points

  1. Reflect on Jesus’ Life: Spend time reading the Gospels, focusing on how Jesus lived in obedience and submission to the Father. Consider how you can model your life after His.
  2. Practice Submission: Identify areas in your life where you need to let go of control and trust God with the outcomes. Pray for the strength to submit to His will.
  3. Cultivate Love and Unity: Look for opportunities to express love and unity in your community. This could be through acts of kindness, listening to others, or fostering reconciliation.
  4. Abide in Christ: Set aside time each day to abide in Jesus through prayer, worship, and reading Scripture. Allow His love to fill you and guide your actions.
  5. Ask for God’s Perspective: In your daily interactions, ask God to show you how to manifest His love to those you meet. Be open to His leading and respond in love.

As we journey through this season of thankfulness, let us be inspired by the life Jesus lived. May we live lives that reflect His love, submission, and obedience, bringing glory to God and blessing to those around us.

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