Kids Administration Assistant
I love helping our kids connect with God and each other.

A bit about me
I have been involved at church since 1995 (back when it was Kenmore Baptist Church) and when I’m not here at Riverlife, am the Volunteer Coordinator at Prince Charles Hospital four days a week. I also volunteer at Girls’ Brigade each week and help run the Riverlife Conversational English Classes on Tuesday mornings.
Most defining moment
When I was on 15 and on three-day solo with school (Ironbark, St Peter’s) I decided that *I* was completely on board with whatever God had planned for my life. I grew up in a Christian home and before that point there was an element of “this was just what my life looked like and who I was”. That was the moment I paused, considered and made a decision to follow Jesus for the rest of my life.
Why I do it
Because I want to help set up our kids to live their best lives! I want to help kids build a strong relationship with God, solid Christian friendships and connections with Christian adults. I’m excited about the impact our kids will have on the world around them for God.