
Operations Manager

My heart is to cultivate

environments of

excellence that can host

the kingdom family

of God.

My heart is to cultivate environments of excellence that can host the kingdom family of God.

Ministry Areas

A bit about me
With a passion for travel and adventure, I love to connect with individuals and communities from different backgrounds and cultures. I was saved in 2004 through an invitation to attend church and subsequently gave my life to Jesus in a Life Group several weeks later. I have travelled to 30 countries, lived on four continents, and had a varied career including marketing, event management, non-profit administration, and owned a specialty coffee company. My wife and I also own a furniture company and have our first baby due in April 2025.
Most defining moment
Several years ago, God spoke very clearly to me about my mindset of approaching tasks and assignments and challenged me to pursue kingdom excellence as a son and step away from a mindset of outcome-oriented performance. He guides me to step back, redirects my energy to focus on people over outcomes and remember we share a relational gospel – the kingdom of God is not about numbers, it’s about names.
Why I do it
Before working at Riverlife, I was in a season of transition having returned from living and working in the USA in full-time ministry. I navigated several opportunities that would draw me away from ministry in Brisbane but felt the Lord solidify a passion for His church and the family He is cultivating at Riverlife. I consider it a privilege to work with a team of passionate people who want to see the people come alive through the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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