Prison Ministry Assistant / Administrative Assistant
I love seeing the people of His Church being equipped as integral parts of the communities they surround.
Ministry Areas
Prison Ministries

A bit about me
Having been a part of Riverlife for nearly all my life and being a part of the staff for more than 20 years, Riverlife is truly my extended family. My immediate family consists of my husband David of 35 years, three beautiful daughters, three great sons-in-law, and three very cute granddaughters. Outside of my family and ministries at Riverlife, I don’t spend much time reading or knitting (as grandmothers are meant too) but David and I are involved in a ministry called Black Sheep HDFC (Harley Davidsons for Christ) and ministering in our local Harley Owners Group. David has joined his passion for Christ and motorcycles, particularly Harleys, together and Christ has led me to minister alongside David. We spent my 50th birthday touring California on a Harley.
Most defining moment
Defining/transformational points in my life would be becoming a wife, a mother, a grandmother: all of which are pure joy. Then, in 2009, God deposited an abundance of joy, peace, and love in my heart that I had never experienced before during a time of completing the Transforming and Engaging Courses in which I had an encounter with Jesus for the first time.
Why I do it
God has richly blessed me, and I desire to be a blessing, to my own family, to the family of Riverlife and to all whom God places in my path.